Monday, July 21, 2014

A marketer’s view of Moolya.

Moolya! I have come to see and know this amazing company as a Tester’s paradise. But what does this company mean to a marketer, especially a digital marketer like me?

When I see a company, all I see is the KEYWORDS so even before I joined my mind started racing ‘Software testing, mobile app testing, e-commerce testing, application testing…..TESTING’. This is exactly what got me wondering, hmm am I at the right place? This company is not optimized, wow the website barely has any keywords and well the god of internet, Google puts it on the second page.

Hmm, second page isn’t bad. Most of the times, it’s almost good. Here comes my second month at Moolya. I see just how bad ranking on the 2nd page for Testing and Software Testing is for this amazing company doing some unbelievable work, work so good that it’s even got a certain Mr. Kawasaki and a Mr. James Bach tweeting about it. And seeing these guys in action led by their, sorry OUR, Kung Fu Panda I’m seeing Green(You know, Hulk green!)! 2nd page doesn’t do Moolya justice. Nothing below the first would do, cos these guys who are always talking about Context Driven Testing and Exploratory Testing know just what’s up. They’ve already made waves in the software testing industry, good? Naah, I’m waiting for a tsunami because that is just how good I know these guys are.

So now, I’ve got a mammoth task ahead of me of helping market these guys. Some of you are thinking, If these guys are as good at software testing as I’m saying they are it should be a piece of cake, right? Wrong, because I know these guys are good enough to be well above the biggies, the giants of the Software testing world, the IBMs, the HPs and that is where I want to see them, that is where I want to help take them at least in the digital world. Above the rest, a class above. When it comes to testing, I know they already are but now it’s time to let the digital world know this. It’s time. I’m not intimidated by the big budgets the others may have for their marketing, cos these guys were never intimidated by the big budgets these other guys had for testing.

Guess what I’m trying to say is that WE are not intimidated. We are ready. We always were, it’s just time to go out and show it and I’m writing this to mark the start of this Tsunami.   

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I am an entrepreneur and digital marketer (I like the word evangelist, but I'll just stick to Marketer for now). I'm not gonna be writing on a particular topic, just whatever I feel like!